​It is La Chandeleur time once again!  Nelson Ranch Péranque Club is joining LBC once again and helping us host La Chandeleur.  This year the event will be held at Nelson Ranch Park, 901 Nelson Ranch Rd in Cedar Park.  We will be playing pétanque from 1:00 to 5:00, breaking at 2:30 for La Chandeleur!!
If you are not familiar with La Chandeleur, it is a French holiday where people traditionally eat crépes and drink hard apple cider.  Nothing better than another celebration with food & drink! 
This is another example of a Christian holiday that stems from pagan traditions.  La Chandeleur is often associated with the Catholic holiday of Candlemas, it actually stems from pagan traditions. While some say Chandeleur celebrates the return of sunny days (crêpes symbolize the sun), others say that making crêpes using flour left over from the harvest ensures prosperity in the coming year. And, of course, there is the traditional coin ritual: if you can flip a crêpe while holding a coin in your other hand, you and your family will not have to worry about financial problems.”  Believe what you may, it is a good reason to get together, eat some crépes, drink some cider, and throw some boules.  Mark Sunday, February 3rd on your calendar!  Let’s hope the La Chandeleur gods bring us good weather!
