Tournament Results!

On October 23, 2022 the LBC finally held another tournament on the grounds of the French Legation!

Construction associated with the renovation of the facilities at the Legation and the COVID-19 pandemic had kept us away for years.

The last tournament held there was on October 28, 2018.

We had wonderful weather for our Dia de los Muertos tournament. It was a "carousel" tournament matching pointers with shooters.  All players played with a new partner each game.

Terry Plemons

This is our Terry Plemons Benefit Tournament and all proceeds from the tournament will be donated to the Friends of the French Legation.

We had a field of 32 players.  This year we had three players coming from Dallas and San Antonio, and even one from Driftwood.

We had perfect weather and a wonderful potluck.

Special Note!

Thank you to all the organizers and everyone who helped put on the event. Everything was managed so well, and the weather was so delightful, it was one of the best days of pétanque ever!

Tournament Results

1st Place  

      Karim Moumouni

      Mary Stratton

2nd Place

       Don Jansky

       Kathy Ragan

3rd Place

      Jeffery Locke

      Leigh Newsom

Click for Large Image

Fun Was Had By All!  

Memorial Tournament Sunday, October 23, 2022

Terry Plemons Memorial Tournament

benefiting the French Legation

Sunday, October 23, 2022

at the French Legation

802 San Marcos St.

Austin, TX

  • Carousel Format - 5 Rounds (matching pointers & shooters)
  • Medals will be awarded
  • $15 Entry Fee
  • Sign in at 8:30 AM

Dia de Los Muertos Tournament

  • Wear your costume
  • A prize will be awarded for the best costume!

Potluck Lunch

There will be a break around noon for a potluck lunch where everyone can contribute. We will continue our new tradition of following the principles of Pétanque for the Planet to minimize the amout of waste we generate.

How to Enter

Click the button below to send your name and if you want a pointed or a shooter

How to Pay

You can pay at the French Legation on the day of the tournament


you can send a check to in the name of the "Legation Boules Club"


Patti Shook

4304 Scales

Austin, TX 78723

Pictures from Bastille Day 2022

Bastille Day 2022 at the French Legation was a great success with a big turnout! Thanks to everyone who participated!

Bastille Day – July 16, 2022

Come celebrate French culture and heritage at this year’s Bastille Day celebration at the French Legation State Historic Site! 

Important Update from the French Legation:

Due to extreme temperatures this Saturday, we've adjusted the times for our Bastille Day celebration.

The grounds will now open to the public at 9:00am and organized activities outside will run between 10:00am - 2:00pm.

The historic structures will remain open until 4:00pm and visitors are welcome to enjoy the Café, and grounds, and continue playing lawn games throughout the afternoon.

The Café Legation will be open throughout the day for visitors to cool off and purchase refreshments.

If you plan on joining us this Saturday, keep an eye out on the weather - it's predicted to be a hot weekend! Make sure to dress accordingly and stay hydrated throughout your visit.

We will continue the program despite the heat, with paper fans available for visitors and nearby water station to keep us cool.

Volunteers Requested!

From 8:00 to 9:00 AM, LBC members can get into the grounds early and help set up the Bastille Day decorations on the gates and the exterior walls.

Saturday July 16, 2022

The French Legation has been the historic home of Austin’s largest Bastille Day festivities for nearly twenty-five years.

Join us for an afternoon of music,  lawn games, face painting, stories, pétanque and more!

Bring a picnic and claim your spot on the grounds of Austin’s oldest recorded residence or stop by the Café Legation for all of your picnic needs.

Parking onsite is limited.

Parking along the east side of San Marcos Street, 8th and 9th streets is free before 6:00pm.

More information


Phone:  737-226-1779


The Legation Boules Club will once again be the main feature of the day’s festivities.  They will take over the walkways in front of the Legation house to play and offer lessons to interested visitors.

Face Painting and Story Time

Alliance Française has hired a face painter for the morning.

The Youth Engagement and World Languages Librarian from the main Austin Library Branch will be onsite to host a French-language story time in the Café that morning at 11:00am for kids.

We now have a sizeable collection of yard games that we will set up on the grassy areas between the walkways.

Café Legation Will Be Open

The Café Legation will be open for food or drinks, but we also encourage visitors to bring their own picnic and lawn furniture to relax and enjoy the grounds!

Cool French Cars

A former member of the LBC has agreed to display a few classic French Citroën and Renault cars at the site for everyone to see. 

Magic Show! – July 8, 2022

Friday July 8, 8:00 to 9:30 PM


Sessions on Mary

604 W. Mary st. 78704

A Message from Magical Mystical Michael:

Hello. The last two years during the pandemic, I had lots of time off, so I worked on lots of new magical effects.

After lots of thought and even more thought and even lots of rehearsal and even more rehearsal and finally, I put together a brand new Magic Show.

Over the past two years I’ve performed these bits at private parties, around friends, little gathering, in my head, enough to where I am now feeling more confident and ready to perform these all in one show.

This show will be about 80 to 90 minutes approximately, due to the fact I haven’t performed this show yet. However there will be a few “older favorite effects” for my own  personal confidence. 

This is a house show so seating is limited to about 35 - 40 people.

I am in process of looking for a venue for my monthly show to resume again. 

I do hope all is doing well and hopefully I will see several of you at my show.

$10 donation requested 

Click here to reserve your seat!

Lots & lots of brand new material!

Magic of the mind-hands-&-sight

Olivier Simondet Rides to Alaska

Former LBC club member Olivier is biking to Alaska.

He stopped by Nelson Ranch on May 26th to say hello to Alain & Mitzi who were visiting from Florida.

This was his first leg of his journey to Alaska from Houston.

If you are interested in keeping up with him on his adventure he created a blog so you follow his adventature.

 Happy trails Olivier, we will be keeping up with you!

Special Event Thursday 26 at NRPC

Many of you are too new to pétanque in Austin and Cedar Park to have met Alain and Mitzi Jimenez because they left town about six years ago to go sailing up and down the coast.

But they are back in town!

Come out to the Nelson Ranch Pétanque Club in Cedar Park at 9AM on Thursday to play some games and have a nice pot luck picnic around noon!

Hope to see you there!

Pictures from April 10, 2022 Tournament
