A Message from Magical Mystical Michael:
Hello. The last two years during the pandemic, I had lots of time off, so I worked on lots of new magical effects.
After lots of thought and even more thought and even lots of rehearsal and even more rehearsal and finally, I put together a brand new Magic Show.
Over the past two years I’ve performed these bits at private parties, around friends, little gathering, in my head, enough to where I am now feeling more confident and ready to perform these all in one show.
This show will be about 80 to 90 minutes approximately, due to the fact I haven’t performed this show yet. However there will be a few “older favorite effects” for my own personal confidence.
This is a house show so seating is limited to about 35 - 40 people.
I am in process of looking for a venue for my monthly show to resume again.
I do hope all is doing well and hopefully I will see several of you at my show.
$10 donation requested