LBC Annual Meeting and Elections

We had a great turn-out at Central Market and the LBC Board would like to thank everyone who was able to attend.

2020 Officer Elections 

Members voted and the following officers were elected:

Jeff Brown - Information Officer - first term
Kelly Brownlee - Vice President - first term
Mary Stratton - Secretary- second term

Outgoing Vice President, Gary Ragan, will become Tournament Director and a non-voting board member of the club. 


Membership Updates

We ended the year with 53 members.

A vote was taken and 2020 membership fee was increased $20. LBC plans to make improvements and add more functionality to our club’s website. 

2020 Tournament Dates

The following dates are being strongly considered: 

March 29 - Melee 
May 17 - Melee
November 1 - Carousel 

Treasury Report

We currently have $600 in savings and $931.81 in checking. 

LBC & Nelson Ranch 2019 Holiday Party

When: Saturday, December 7

Where: Carolyn’s Apartment Complex located at 1000 San Marcos Street

Time: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

What to Bring: Your favorite holiday dish and beverage

There will be door prizes of club t-shirts and poinsettias - members must be present to win.

LBC will provide a meat dish as well as a Bouche de Noel, handmade by the incredibly talented chef, Jacques Richard. 

Please RSVP Yes or No to Gary Ragan by Wednesday, December 4, either by email: or phone: 512.809.9660

Feedback/Ideas from Club Members

We discussed the idea of offering organized workshops that would take place during our normal play times at the Hangar, for those who would like to work on improving certain pétanque skills. These workshops would be organized by volunteers, self guided and open to all range of players.

We also discussed several ideas and improvements for the LBC website, stay tuned for even better things to come. 

Last, but not least, we added Wednesdays at the Hangar to our pétanque schedule, games begin at 1:00.

Thank you,

LBC Board Members   
