July 11th, 2024

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Dear reader,

Sure, sure, Independence Day and fireworks, and Bastille Day and some good ol' fashioned fun with guillotines are terrific celebrations in July every year, but what we all really need right now is some


in our lives, and tonight may the our last chance for a while to revel in the splendor of

Magical Mystical Michael!!

before Captain Quack's goes down the dark road of predatory capitalism and prices us all out of the ability to enjoy ourselves.

Magical Mind Mysteries

is a

Magic Show for Grown-Ups

It has nothing offensive for children, although the “concepts” and “theories” might be “deeply absurd”?

Michael is not your typical Magician. Combining wit, charm, and a "sleight" attitude, the show is laced with his eccentric and illusive logic creating entertaining magic of the mind, eyes, and hands.

You don't want to miss tonight!

See everyone at Captain Quacks tonight!!!

8pm Sharp!

Captain Quack's Coffeehouse
5326 Menchaca Road
Austin, TX 78745

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