November 11th, 2020

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Dear reader,
Woman Voter Entering Voting Polling Place for USA Government Election

LBC Notice of 2020 Elections!!!

The election this year is for the positions of LBC President and LBC Treasurer.

The non-partisan office term is for two years.

Peter Gray will run for re-election as President
Ed Priest will run for re-election as Treasurer

Peter Gray and Ed Priest are selected They will serve until Dec 31, 2022. If elected, this will be their
second consecutive and last term for these positions.

Open nomination for these positions starts November 9.

The winner will serve until Dec 31, 2022.

Election timeline

Nomination Nov 9 to Nov 23- Any LBC member can be nominated during this period. Email nominations to the Vice President Kelly Brownlee.

Electronic Voting Nov 24 to Nov 30 – Email your vote HERE and it will be delivered to Information Officer Jeff Brown, Vice President Kelly Brownlee, and Secretary Mary Stratton.

Club Zoom meeting Nov 26 – Winner announced

Duties of Officers

The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and of the Executive Committee. The President shall be an ex-facto member of all standing and special committees.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of club monies, shall keep an accurate record of all receipts, receivables and expenditures and, along with one other member of the Executive Committee, co-sign all checks drawn on the account of The Legation Boules Club. The Treasurer shall maintain a roster of all club members and their dues status. The Treasurer shall submit a financial report to the Secretary for inclusion in all meeting minutes provided to the membership.

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