October 16th, 2020

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Dear reader,
FNL Screenshot 8-21-20
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Jim Schwobel has stepped up and offered to do the ZOOM meeting this week! Link below....

Thank you JIM!

7:00 PM!

Friday Night Lights Zoom - October 16, 2020

This week Jim Schwobel will be hosting the FNL ZOOM meeting.

Jim Schwobel

Friday Night Lights Zoom - October 16, 2020

LBC Zoomers,

Jeff is unavailable this Friday so Jim Schwobel will be the moderator for our Zoom meeting for Friday, October 16, 7:00pm. Since this is a free Zoom meeting, it will most likely be limited to 40 minutes (or not, they gave us extra time last week).

If you have questions, you may call Jim at 512-619-4646.

Time: Oct 16, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time

Note: ZOOM has made some changes recently and you may need to use the Passcode below to get in.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 723 2377 1951
Passcode: 6zpkZA

Drop in and let us know what you have been doing lately!

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