7:00 PM!
Friday Night Lights Zoom - October 2, 2020
This week Jim Schwobel will be hosting the FNL ZOOM meeting.
Friday Night Lights Zoom - October 2, 2020
LBC Zoomers,
Jeff is unavailable this Friday so Jim Schwobel will be the moderator for our Zoom meeting for Friday, October 2, 7:00pm. Since this is a free Zoom meeting, it will most likely be limited to 40 minutes (or not, they gave us extra time last week). Everyone seemed to enjoy the last meeting where each person had 2 minutes to tell us what they have been up to the past week. Then everyone will have a couple more minutes to tell us something about themselves that we don't know. It could be a trip they took, people they met, an accomplishment, a funny/exciting/significant event in their life, etc..
Start thinking about what you would like to share with us!
Also.....if you have a friend who might enjoy being entertained by a bunch of pétanque players that they don't know, invite them to the meeting. It could be fun.
If you have questions, you may call Jim at 512-619-4646.
Time: Oct 2, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time
Meeting ID: 783 0098 9313
Passcode: 7B8LkU
Drop in and let us know what you have been doing lately!