September 25th, 2020

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Dear reader,
FNL Screenshot 8-21-20
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7:00 PM!

Friday Night Lights Zoom - September 25, 2020

This week Jim Schwobel will be hosting the FNL ZOOM meeting.

Jim Schwobel

Friday Night Lights Zoom - September 25, 2020

Jeff is unavailable this Friday so Jim Schwobel will be the moderator for our Zoom meeting for Friday, September 25, 7:00pm. Since this is a free Zoom meeting, it will most likely be limited to 40 minutes.

If you have questions, you may call Jim at 512-619-4646.

Sep 25, 2020 07:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 784 9528 2759
Passcode: 9psq3A

Drop in and let us know what you have been doing lately!

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