July 24th, 2020

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Dear reader,
Brady Night Lights

Friday Night Lights on ZOOM
Friday July 24, 2020 8:00 PM

We can't go to the hangar tonight and play pétanque, and drink wine, and kick the ass of Thierry Amisse.

Too bad!

But we can do a zoom meeting.

The information you need to join the meeting is below.

Tonight we might try "calling on" people to speak, like the teacher in a classroom. Just raise your hand if you want to say something and everyone else should be quiet and listen.

I don't want to be the "teacher" calling on people. Don Jansky, will you volunteer for the job?

A ZOOM meeting is not like a regular conversation! If everyone talks at the same time then nobody can hear anybody. I don't really know what the solution is, but when we speak we need to avoid all the little things we say like "yeah" and so on that we use in normal conversation. We need to see if we can take a "one-at-a-time" approach, even though it's not very natural.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 850 7714 1567

Passcode: 2jX5KC


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