LBC Elections for 2019
LBC Elections
TONIGHT - MONDAY NOVEMBER 18th! 6:30 PM Central Market North
Elections for the club are coming up fast! The Offices of Vice President, Information Officer and Secretary are up for grabs.
Candidates are: Vice President- Kelly Brownlee Information Officer - Jeffie "Carreau" Brown Secretary - Mary Stratton
Anyone can run: Any club member can run for these positions. If you are interested, please email President Peter Gray at: pedrogray007@yahoo.com
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Legation Boules Club will be at 6:30 PM on Monday, November 18th at Central Market (North) in the upstairs dinning area. All member are free to attend. People can still vote at the meeting.
Officer Duties
Vice President The Vice President shall fulfill the duties of the President in his or her absence and shall serve as the Parliamentarian of the club.
Secretary The Secretary shall keep accurate written records of all business of the club, including regularly scheduled and special called meetings, and all Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for all written or electronic communication both within and outside the club including notice of all meetings or events to club members Minutes of all meetings shall be provided electronically to the membership.
Information Officer The Information Officer shall be responsible for conducting membership initiatives, and serve as facilitator for issues pertaining to membership and board matters. The Information Officer shall also maintain the LBC website and club calendar, incorporating all known events of local and regional interest.