This Week at the Legation
A Message from Ed Priest:
All. Wednesday pétanque at the Legation is moving this week only to Friday not Tuesday.
Kyle has found a new job and this will be his last week at the Legation.
The Tuesday date I posted earlier was changed because it conflicted with NRPC Tuesday morning games.
Must have been one of my Senior Moments, sorry for my confusion.
Kyle will be working at Burns & McDonnell, a construction consulting company.
I hope Friday fits in your schedule.
Pétanque will start at the usual time 10:00 AM.
Come and give Kyle your best wishes and enjoy treats as well.
The good news is Kyle will still be joining us on Friday nights and now he can play in tournaments.
Hope to see you this Friday.
We will return to our normal play on Wednesdays on January 18.