October 13th, 2022

LBC Test 3
Dear reader,

LBC Elections 2022

All, The LBC elections this year will be for President, Treasurer and Vice President.

Ed Priest - running for President
Patty Shook - running for Treasurer
Peter Gray - running for Vice President

As Ed is current Vice President, this position will be vacated and Peter Gray will run for Vice President. (election for VP normally takes place in odd numbered years)

If anyone wishes to run for any of these positions, please contact Jeff Brown and Lynn Bourgeois via email by October 27.



We will send out a future announcement announcing any new candidates.

Voting by email will start Tuesday, November 1 and run through Sunday, November 6.

Votes should be cast by emailing both Jeff & Lynne.

Voting in person will be possible at the annual LBC meeting at Central Market on Monday, November 7.

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